All compositions and artwork under the artist name “future coat” under copyright by Ansley Dunbar.
The Net Underneath
My proposal track submitted for the upcoming New Authors 2022 promotional circuit, and accepted under the publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This temp track is posted with the author’s permission. The final soundtrack will be under official release and we’re all excited to share it with you!
Broken Bird, to be Healed
Part of a series that demos compositions arranged using various piano sampler instruments. This track uses the desktop Ravenscroft 279, and inspired by the game Destiny 2. “The Austringer” and “Broken Bird, to be Healed” are names attributed to Bungie, Inc, with whom I have no affiliation with.
A second installment in the piano demo series, arranged using the iPadOS version of Ravenscroft 279.
A Monster of No Particular Shape
A third installment in the piano demo series, arranged using the “The Gentleman”, but Native Instruments.