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In transduction,

a signal in one form of energy is converted to a signal of a different form.

printed book –> audiobook

An analogue input signal, like the sound of a piano, is converted into a digital output signal, like strings of code.

Fidelity, then, is used to measure the quality of the reproduced signal.

or audiobook –> epub

hardcover, softcover, a totally legal PDF… still a book

It is the degree of detail and depth of comprehension in comparison to the analogue source.


a story is a signal.
unlike Tmobile who’s throwing me barely one bar

It is broken down into tiny data points like text, lyrics, inputs of a game controller, the pixels on the screen from which you’re reading right now (hello!).

what % are you at

These bits are measured and modified, processed by the brain.

It is this act—the collaboration between our minds and the digital signals— that converts an analogue story into a digital narrative.

am i distracting you



It’s not sensors, or frequency analysis, or network packet inspection.

It’s the heads of thinking, feeling, pattern-seeking humans beings, baby.

do you have a charger i can borrow

HIFI, in this context, means amplifying the heart of a story with with intent.

no i need lightning to usb-c

By anticipating and embracing the different ways our devices codes can be used for storytelling.


A shift in mindset,

not grad-level philosophy, that reveals this concept of digital narrative.

ftr, “content” does not count

Digital narrative is a modular, electric playground;

Converting a story into an electrifying, resonant, digital narrative is just a matter of putting the right beeps along the right frequencies.

use the code “HIFI” to get 10% off your first purchase lol